The Power of Routines

Routines are the daily allocation of events or duties to be carried out in the line of a vision, within the boundaries of occupation, personal interests and lifestyle.

Following patterns of routine enforces structure into our daily life, enabling individuals to stay up to date with their responsibility for Success.

Success in any endeavor will always require an intentional participation from you and the effectiveness of your participation is enforced by the structure of your routines.

The instrumentation that has been given to man to change your current situation into your desired outcome or result are routines. When you meet a great man, don’t just ask about his story and their networth, rather ask about what they do on a daily basis – routines.

The secret of your success is found in your daily routines.

— John C. Maxwell

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.

— Will Durant

Even Jesus, in order to succeed in his earthly ministry, engaged the power of routines. According to Mark 1:35 Jesus woke up early, finds a quiet place and prays. Acts 17:2 also showed us that apostle Paul had a routine that he carried out, that made him a global phenomenon till date.


  1. Routines reduce stress. When you juggle events together without structure, you will be exhausted and after a while you will begin to lose interest in certain activities
  2. Sticking to routines prevent the feeling of frustration that comes with unproductiveness
  3. Routines help to deal with uncoordinated and irregular thinking patterns
  4. It boosts productivity. A daily routine makes better use of time and energy, helping you to stay on top of your work.
  5. With consistent routine practice, it is easier to focus on daily responsibility. This is a workable Antidote to procrastination.
  6. Routines help you to visualize your progress.
  • Routines are done in the secret but their profiting is usually a public display.
  • Your perfect routines are dependent on your needs and goals. Your routines are tailor-made for you and you cannot adopt another person’s routines.
  • Your routines must be set according to your current capacity until you grow into higher engagements.


  1. Make a list of everything you want to achieve at a particular period of time.
  2. Break down into writings what you need to do daily to achieve the goals.
  3. Keep the list within range where you can always see it.
  4. Structure your day; determine whether you are a more effective person by day or by night.

Note: Your effective period can change with time, marital status, job type, etc.

  1. Group your tasks into the time of the day that makes the most sense, that affords you to most efficiently complete them

For example, if you are a day person, allocate your most engaging and challenging tasks to the daytime when you are most effective and energetic


  1. Spiritual nourishment
  2. Productivity and networking
  3. Financially literacy
  4. Marriage, relationship and family life
  5. Skill set development