The Church

God, through covenant, desires to equip men and women with the needed tools for transgenerational relevance and influence, saddled on holiness and conformity to the statutes of Christ. This foremost agenda was why God commissioned the Gain ministry in a quest to bring into fruition the prophetic decree as revealed in Revelation 1:6:


The mandate of the “making” is why we are established through Grace.

Our focus is the souls of men. Made possible by the revelation of the very life of Christ, as a communication of the Father’s love. This message is communicated to a generation in forms that are readily and easily understood in the chambers of their souls, thereby making them well equipped to live the fullness of the Godlife on earth, and heaven bound.

our vision

To be a home of transformation, further equipping the souls of men with Spirit-orchestrated messages and mindsets of the Kingdom needed to become symbols of authority and royalty across human endeavors.

our mission

We are in partnership with the Word and the Spirit to break the limitations and barriers limiting the fulfilment of our inheritances in Christ, thereby empowering the saints to a God-centered life.

Our Values

1. Prayer.

We intentionally engage prayers ceaselessly to birth outstanding results.

Luke 18:1, James 5:16, Mark 1:35

2. The Word.

The Word of God that proceeds from the mouth of God remains our only and most active medium of engagement.

Hebrews 4:12, 2Tim 3:16-17

3. Character.

At GAIN Ministry, we exhibit characters that model Christ in every area of endeavor.

Phil 4:8, Luke 6:31, Galatians 5:22

4. Spirituality & Discipleship.

Our ministerial emphasis is hinged on the concept of spirituality. And this helps us evaluate our life in Christ.

John 3:5-8, Romans 8:11, 1Peter 1:3.

5. Community.

We believe in building systemic network of believers, and by extension reform the nation through strategic and intentional alliances to see Jesus enthroned in our communities.

6. Evangelism And Soul Winning.

We are responsible to the great commission of reaching out to the lost souls, establishing them in the faith. 

Ezekiel 33:6-8, Matthew 10:7, 28:19, Mark 16:15

7. Excellence.

In GAIN Ministry, the methodologies of our mandate delivery are served to create a memory that reflects our eternal destination. We believe in reflecting heaven as we serve, and this is what keeps us heaven conscious.

1Peter 2:9, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:23

8. Leadership.

We believe in transforming followers into leaders, by imbibing leadership values that boost their competences. Translating them into frontliners and trailblazers.

Hebrews 13:7, Philipians 2:4, Proverbs 22:29

Learn more about our Leadership Team by visiting the Leadership page.