Like the page of a book, where expectations are documented, PAGE is an acronym for “Prayerfully Achieving Great Expectations”, a programme put together by the Holy Spirit to birth God’s people into an experience that helps them begin their year with the needed form of power that can see them through the year.

Through the years, PAGE has been a retreat platform that fires up the hearts of the people to possess whatever God has promised them in the year.

The writings of the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:15-22, forms the bedrock of this mandate. Paul opened us up to a mystery that, certain dimensions of our Christian experience known as “the hope of Christ’s calling, riches of his glory, the inheritance to the saints and the exceeding greatness of his power”, are all possibilities only achievable by the operations of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Paul further made us see that these things are activated through prayers {Ephesians 1;16}. The prayers of the saints open them to these dimensions, so, PAGE is a platform where the aforementioned dimensions are made accessible in the lives of participants on the strength of revelation and prayers. PAGE is a yearly prayer conference which carries the year of its occurrence.