The Power of Routines 2


The day is segmented into four;

  1. Morning
  2. Noon/mid-day
  3. Evening
  4. Night


  • The morning is usually about getting out of a state of rest in preparation to set the day in motion.
  • This is the most difficult time of the day for some people especially the inertia of getting out of bed.
  • Ensure to start your day with meditative prayers. Meditate on how you want your day to go and begin to call it forth with words of declaration.
  • Never engage in activities or conversations that drain your energy at the early start of your day.
  • Do not permit thought of offenses from friends or spouse or thought of financial incapacitation, it can affect your motivation.
  • Group all your early tasks as such as bathing exercise, breakfast, etc. Group them as one event this is to make your to-do list lesser so as not to affect your motivation.
  • Consider tasks that you will want to engage in while you are still fresh. Do things in the morning that you dread or procrastinate about. This is a good strategy for dealing with procrastination. This is because the morning always comes with an energy rush that can cater for your lack of interest in that activity


  • This is a tricky time of the day because your energy level is at the peak and ready to begin to decline
  • This is a good time to do all the boring routines that does not take much brain power. Use the daytime to read a book that interests you, check up on your clients, reply emails and messages or make silent and meditative prayers.
  • Mid-days are good times for flexibility. Flexibilities are windows of time opened up for eventualities. You leave this portion of time free of activities to cater for things like calling friends or family, resting etc.


  • Your energy is on the Decline and the only thing important to you at this time is you.
  • Evenings are the best time for planning and preparation for the future.
  • It is a good time to take stock of your life.
  • This timing is good for mental development and Growth.
  • This is a time when your mind is accustomed to high power reception and retention because of the loads of events it has interfaced with for the day, so anything you do at this time stays in your memory. This is a good time to go over your goals and plans and make adjustments where necessary.
  • It is also a good time to reward yourself for a day well engaged or for achieving a certain goal.
  • It is a good time to edit habits and character flaws to better character traits.

Planning your routines with the knowledge of the rules that guides each segment of the day, can help you to make more workable and effective routines.

Routine is a very powerful secret that every great and successful man engages. No matter your profession, either you’re an athlete, musician, businessman, CEO, politician, student, pastor, etc. Routines remain a potent way to arrive at a predictable outcome of success and relevance.